Viking Mugs and Cups

It's well known that every self-respecting Viking drinks beer. Like many of them, we thought they only drank beer, so we did a little research: during archaeological digs(not us hun, archaeologists), we found enough to make wine. In the end, we're not that different from them!

A big beer means a big mug!

Yes, you're not going to believe that you can drink Viking beer out of a Carrefour glass, are you? No, if you want to look badass, you're going to need a suitable container, and the choice is yours:

  • A mug
  • A mug
  • A glass (but a real glass)

We've got several designs to choose from, but we prefer the one with the Wessex symbol.

What did those Vikings drink?

Well, if you're here, it's probably because you want to buy something to drink with your mates, so if you don't mind, I'm going to tell you a few anecdotes about what they drank, and I'll take the opportunity to dispel a few clichés.

  • No, Viking beer wasn't that strong, the strongest being an estimated 13%. So yes, it's strong, but you can still find it in those waters today. Personally, I thought they were at least 20/25%
  • Well, this one doesn't really have anything to do with Vikings, but it shocked me so much that I'm going to tell you about it anyway: the oldest beer dates back 13,000 years. Well, it's not the time of the dinosaurs either, but still. Back then, as you'd expect, they didn't brew beer the way they do today
  • The most valiant Vikings didn't drink their beers from mugs. Yeah, it's a bit of a mouthful, but we'd rather be honest: mugs did exist, but they were generally drunk from drinking horns. These were real animal horns which, once prepared, served as drinking glasses. Today, it's unethical to kill an animal to drink from its horns, so we don't sell them, but maybe fake ones will come along soon. (Sign up for the newsletter if you want to be kept informed)

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If you're more the modern type, the kind with a phone, check out the Viking Phone Covers, which feature our brand!

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