Viking Ring

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Through this collection, I will introduce you to our Vikings Rings that have remained timeless.

Our Viking Rings

At Odin's Hall we are particularly proud of our Viking ring collection, already because you love them and wear them well! But also because we have taken the time to select the most skilled craftsmen to make these little wonders. Let me clarify: you'll find them for men and women.

Are you looking for a ring? They perfectly reflect the spirit of Nordic mythology and Nordic culture, each one bearing a Viking symbol or representing a Nordic deity.

You'll find when you visit the collection: silver rings, rings viking and also some knights!

On the other hand, no small pearls, no engagement rings, no wedding rings and no precious metals for the moment anyway! Only rings to show off your social status.

How to choose your ring size


  1. Make sure the ring you use fits the finger you want to measure.
  2. Using your ruler measure, inside the ring, the distance between the two furthest points.


  1. Wrap a string or ribbon around the relevant finger.
  2. Using a pen mark the point where the string or ribbon overlaps. Make sure it is not too tight to your finger.
  3. Place the string or ribbon on a flat surface and measure its length in mm to the mark left in step 2.

Now that you know the circumference of your finger, refer to the size guide on the Viking Rings product pages to find out which ring size fits your measurement. We know, it's not easy to wear a Viking ring, but if you have the right size there will be no worries!

Tungsten Viking Jarl Rings

I had to do a paragraph on these rings, you love them. In Viking culture, the Jarl for those who don't know is the leader of a group, the one who has to guide them. He was the one who took care of the village, this rank made him a rich and powerful person.

These Jarl often wore impressive jewellery, symbolising their wealth. A rich Jarl was a Jarl who won his battles, as this meant that he invaded neighbouring villages to plunder their wealth. As a result, he was feared and respected.

Wearing a Jarl's ring is a testament to your soul as a leader and great warrior.

I will let you choose the design that suits you best:

Tungsten Viking Jarl Ring

Stainless Steel Viking Ring

As there is something for every taste and style, you will also find a set of stainless steel Viking rings. It's practical, it won't rust, you can wear them in the shower.

It's usually on our steel rings that we allow ourselves a little more craziness, with engravings of axes, dragons or even skulls. It's a great way to look badass! And if you have to hit someone with this kind of ring... Watch out! Haha

Viking Ring for Men

We strive to offer mixed rings, however sales prove that men prefer certain models, especially steel rings. Perhaps for the massive feel of these rings which often dresses a large hand perfectly. I'm just putting it out there, but guys like Ragnar Lothbrok used to wear this kind of ring 

Viking Ring for Women

The reverse is also true, according to our sales the rings are predominantly going for tungsten rings. The engravings and finesse of these rings seem to appeal to the female gender.

However, you obviously do according to your taste!

Viking ring a little history

Jewellery was very important to the Vikings... it allowed them to show their social status for example. And that's what's exciting. One might think that they didn't care about their appearance and that they were just bloodthirsty barbarians... but no, jewellery was an important part of their lives. But beware...the Vikings didn't wear jewellery just to be stylish... It was also a form of currency !  And in real life, it's practical.

Just imagine, you're travelling on your Drakkar, you arrive on an unknown land and you don't have your bank card on you... and well you pay in jewels !  As Nordic jewels are often made of gold and silver, they were easily exchanged for goods and services... and yep, clever Vikings! Jewellery was also a religious means of expression very present in their culture.

Bref, Vikings and jewellery, it's quite a story. And that's why today I'd like to introduce you to 5 Viking-inspired ring designs (you'll love). So here we go:



Viking ring representing Vegvisir

If I want to introduce you to this ring... I have to tell you about the symbol inscribed on it: Vegvisir. The Vikings travelled a lot. It is often said that they were a nomadic people and it is true. Even if the Vikings are brave... they needed a good luck charm to arrive safely on their journeys. And that's probably why the symbol Vegvisir came into being. Vegvisir is a combination of two words.

  • Vegur which means path
  • And Visir which means to aim. 

Historians agree that Vegvisir would mean: one who shows the right way. And that's what we want for you Viking friend. A ring that will never let you down and that may bring you luck by showing you the way. And that even in difficult times.  It's true that it sounds very "spiritual"... but the Vikings were. You only have to look at the wealth of Norse mythology to see that. It's just crazy all the stories of Gods there are!

Besides, this Vegvisir ring is made out of stainless steel. A metal reputedly strong and durable...and for good reason, with stainless steel your ring won't tarnish or rust. And it won't break or get damaged at the first shock... nop, none of that, it can accompany you for a lifetime dear viking warrior!!


Viking Jarl ring in the colour of Valhalla blood

 I'm sure you've heard the term Valhalla somewhere... especially if you're interested in Norse mythology, it's a must! To make it short, Valhalla is a land reserved for Viking warriors who died on the battlefield. Once they have passed on, the Valkyries bring the valiant warriors to Valhalla. There, they will enjoy gigantic feasts and barrels of wine at will (we all wish we were there)

 Until the day of Ragnarök (the end of the world in Norse mythology), when the warriors will be called to fight alongside the god Odin (king of Asgard).  Valhalla symbolizes abundance, wealth and prosperity. And we hope the Jarl ring will help you achieve your goals in life. Anyway... it's really stylish. The modern, sleek and minimalist design makes this Viking ring a piece of jewellery you can wear for any occasion.

 Oh, and I almost forgot. You can choose the size of your ring to make sure it fits. We even made you a guide to help you choose the right size for you (yep, we think of everything).



Viking ring representing the tree of life

 This new ring is struck with the symbol of the Yggdrasil tree a pillar in Norse mythology as it is the tree that carries the 9 worlds. Indeed, at the top of Yggdrasil, there is the city of Asgard which is the home of the Aesir Gods and is ruled by Odin. Then, halfway down the length of the trunk, we have the world of Midgard. This is the world where humans live. And to tell you the truth, it's very similar to our world... well, with one small difference. This world is surrounded by a big ocean well guarded by the snake Jörmungandr (and he's really not a nice guy). And finally Yggdrasil takes its roots in the Niflheim a dark and not very welcoming land (you really don't want to spend your holidays there).

 Now that you know everything, let me tell you a little about the ring. First of all this Viking ring is made of a zinc alloy... so it's solid, you don't have to worry about it. xtagstartzIts design is minimalist and uncluttered

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